Is your organization ready for Bill C-28 Canada's new Anti-Spam Law?
What is Bill C-28?
Bill C-28 is Canada’s Anti-Spam Legislation, also known as Canada’s Online Protection Legislation, or “FISA”, which stands for “Fighting Internet and Wireless Spam Act.” According to Industry Canada, the Bill is "intended to deter the most damaging and deceptive forms of spam, such as identity theft, phishing and spyware, from occurring in Canada and to help drive spammers out of Canada." The new act will “establish a regulatory framework to protect electronic commerce in Canada.”
Do email marketers in Canada and the U.S. need to be compliant?
Yes. Based on conversations with the Canadian Marketing Association (CMA) and Industry Canada, we’ve confirmed the Bill requires that senders outside of Canada, who send messages to Canadians, will need to comply with the legislation. The Bill also states that Canadians who send messages from Canada to other parts of the world will also need to comply. (Note: Official clarity around compliance will come once the regulations are finalized.)