NOVEMBER 22-23 & 29-30, 2008
To encourage sales during our $100,000 GIVEAWAY promotion at The Meadows in the Glen, we are announcing a special incentive to all co-operating brokers - 4% Commission will be paid on the selling price of the home, including lot premiums but not including upgrades and net of GST.
Valid only on the above dates, 4% commissions will be payable as follows:
25% on Firm date of sale
25% on Construction start of specified home
50% on Successful closing of sale
Agents must register clients at our Presentation Centre prior to an executed agreement of purchase and sale.
Please review the attached forms which you have received previously, and call Diane Natalizio at
(905) 873-6764 if you have any questions.
HOURS: Monday - Thursday 12:00 pm - 6:00 pm, Weekends & Holidays 12:00 pm - 5:00 pm
TELEPHONE: 905.873.6764 FAX: 905.873.4083 EMAIL: themeadowsintheglen@intracorp.ca
WEBSITE: www.themeadowsintheglen.ca